Effectively manage instructional coaching, observations, evaluations, and your staffs professional growth. Completely customized! We build your observation, walk-through and evaluation forms in the weCLIMB solution and can also guide you in creating new forms.
Observe: Observe your staff utilizing different observation and evaluation forms customized to meet your specific needs.
Coach: Observation results are instantly emailed to the user, and theyre also available on his or her personal dashboard. This gives you a strong starting point for discussion and a guide in building your staffs professional learning plans. Communicate directly in the observation with two-way messaging.
Share: Easily take videos and pictures right from your phone or other device to attach directly to each observation.
Learn: Integrate our professional learning solution so that you can target specific courses aligned to observation results.
Measure: Track and measure observation data at a district, building, or user level via the powerful and easy-to-use dashboard. You can also drill into specific information you need and save your favorite reports for easy retrieval.
Improve: View and monitor the improvements that staff are making in their professional growth utilizing the observation results report and individualized progress reports in their professional learning plans.